• College Admissions

          A global boutique college consulting firm that works with a limited number of students each year, guiding them through the entire application process.

        • Ivy League Consultant
        • Admissions consulting for students looking to attend Ivy League and highly selective schools.
        • Essay Editing
        • We meticulously edit your essays to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness, aligning them with the expectations of the admissions process.
        • International Student Consultant
        • Leading college admissions firm providing unmatched guidance for international students wanting to study at top tier US colleges.
        • Athletic Recruitment
        • We help students-athletes through the recruiting process at Ivy League, D-1, and D-III levels.
        • Transfer Admissions
        • Looking to transfer to a more selective school? We can help provide guidance through this challenging process
        • Counseling Services

          We provide a variety of options for our clients as they work through the pre-application process and admissions cycle.

        • School Packages
        • We offer 10-school and 15-school packages for students applying to US colleges.
        • Hourly Consulting
        • Our consultants are available on an hourly basis with discounts provided for 10 and 20 hour blocks.
        • Extracurricular Activities
        • We provide individualized assistance for all of our clients in regard to what activities to focus on throughout the pre-application process and admissions cycle.
        • IvySummit Research Institute
        • We work closely with our research partners to create a timeline and plans to maximize research opportunities for each client.
        • VIP: College Concierge
        • We travel with a limited number of our international clients every year to visit 40-50 boarding schools and colleges.
        • VIP: Application and Essay Intensive
        • We will meet with a client over a 7–10 day period at an agreed upon location and produce a finished common app personal statement and extracurricular activities section
        • VIP: Unlimited
        • We work with a limited number of our clients to guide them through applications to an unlimited number of schools.
        • Boarding Schools
        • We provide help with boarding school selections, essay editing, and interview preparation.
        • College Acceptances

          With record-low acceptance rates and record-high applications, students must produce a world-class application that separates them from the thousands of talented applicants.

        • MIT
        • We guide students through MIT's distinctive application process, focusing on course selection, project development, and essay refinement.
        • CalTech
        • We align your talents with Caltech's innovation-driven ethos through targeted guidance.
        • Stanford
        • We shape your application to reflect Stanford's innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.
        • Harvard
        • We craft applications that align with Harvard's heritage of excellence, unlocking your potential for success.
        • Princeton
        • We fine-tune your pathway to success by aligning your unique potential with Princeton's prestigious standards.
        • Yale
        • We tailor your application to resonate with Yale’s commitment to excellence and innovation.
        • Columbia
        • With an eye on Columbia's intellectual rigor, we help mold your profile to fit their culture of ambitious learning and growth.
        • Johns Hopkins
        • Focusing on your medical and research aspirations, we align your talents with Johns Hopkins' world-renowned programs.
        • Vanderbilt
        • Emphasizing personal growth and achievement, we'll shape your application to reflect Vanderbilt's vibrant community and academic strengths.
        • UC Berkeley
        • Targeting UC Berkeley's passion for entrepreneurship and social change, we facilitate your journey to be part of their trailblazing environment.
        • UCLA
        • Matching your creativity and innovation with UCLA's diverse fields, we guide your application to thrive in their dynamic setting.
        • UVA
        • In line with UVA's rich traditions and public service focus, we craft your profile to mirror their community's values.
        • Cornell
        • Aligning with Cornell's multifaceted academic pursuits, we ensure your application highlights your unique capabilities and passions.
        • Georgia Tech
        • Integrating your technological and scientific interests, we tailor your application to fit Georgia Tech's forward-thinking approach.
        • Northwestern
        • With Northwestern's blend of arts and sciences, we work to sculpt your application to resonate with their interdisciplinary vision.
        • Dartmouth
        • Emphasizing your engagement with global challenges, we design your application to reflect Dartmouth's commitment to meaningful impact.
        • UPenn
        • Balancing your business acumen and innovative thinking, we align your application with UPenn's blend of tradition and modernity.
        • Carnegie Mellon
        • Highlighting your prowess in technology and the arts, we craft your application to echo Carnegie Mellon's interdisciplinary excellence.
        • Duke
        • Integrating your leadership qualities and academic strengths, we tailor your application to meet Duke's diverse and dynamic environment.
        • UChicago
        • Through your intellectual curiosity and rigorous inquiry, we shape your application to connect with UChicago's academic ethos.
        • Brown
        • Tailoring your passions, we guide your application to fit Brown's unique curriculum.
        • Rice
        • Navigating Rice's emphasis on collaboration and innovation, we fine-tune your application to resonate with their community values.
        • About Us

          A global boutique college consulting firm that works with a limited number of students each year, guiding them through the entire application process.

        • Our Process
        • From your extracurricular descriptions to line-by-line essay editing, we will perfect every component of your application to earn you a spot at a top-tier school.
        • Meet the Team
        • With our expertise, we will work one-on-one with you to craft a unique story that highlights your accomplishments and sets you apart from the competition
  • Pricing

Fairfax College Consulting


Fairfax Focus: Fast-Tracking to Top Colleges

Welcome to Fairfax County, where the currents of history and innovation flow as vibrant as the Potomac River itself. Here in Fairfax, we’re known for a bit more than our scenic parks and bustling tech corridors. Our students from Langley High School, Lake Braddock Secondary School, The Madeira School, and The Potomac School mirror the determination of DC’s most influential policymakers. So, it’s no surprise that when it comes to college admissions, they aim high and dream big.

At IvySummit, we get it. You’re not just another student in the crowd. You’re a Fairfax prodigy, gearing up to make your mark in top colleges across the country. Let’s dive into how we can turn those dreams into your reality.


Our Process

We understand that navigating the college application is like mastering a complex dance. It requires precision, finesse, and a deep understanding of the rhythm. We approach each student’s journey with a blend of professional insight and personalization that’s as unique as the students we serve.

Our process is about more than just filling out applications; it’s about tailoring a strategy that resonates with your individual story and aspirations. Think of us as your choreographers in this dance, helping you perform your best moves for the admissions committees.

Creating a Highschool Timeline

Navigating high school is like a strategic game of chess, and we’re here to help you make the right moves. At IvySummit, we craft a high school timeline that’s more than just a task list. It’s a personalized game plan to ace the Fairfax frenzy.

We blend in your strengths, interests, and ambitions, ensuring every year counts, whether it’s picking courses, joining clubs, or timing those all-important tests. We know the Fairfax way – competitive, challenging, yet full of opportunities. Let’s plot your path to success, one

well-thought-out move at a time!

Area of Excellence

Your ‘Area of Excellence’ is your secret weapon. It’s that thing you do so well, it makes others go “Wow!” Here at IvySummit, we’re like talent scouts in a world of academics and extracurriculars. Together, we’ll dig deep, discovering and refining what makes you stand out. Whether it’s acing coding competitions, dominating in debate, or spinning magic in the art studio, we focus on catapulting your unique strengths into the spotlight.

We don’t just identify your Area of Excellence; we help you elevate it, ensuring when college admissions officers see your application, they see a student who’s not just part of the Fairfax crowd, but someone who stands brilliantly apart.


Ah, the college essay — a critical slice of the admissions pie and one area where most students feel the heat. Here’s the deal: it’s not just about showcasing your writing chops. It’s about telling your story in a way that’s as compelling as the plot twists in your favorite novel.

At IvySummit, we approach essays with a blend of creativity and strategy. We guide you in finding that perfect narrative angle, one that turns your experiences, whether it’s navigating the dynamics of Fairfax’s diverse communities or your unique personal journey, into an engaging and memorable essay.

Our process isn’t about churning out generic essays; it’s about helping you weave your personal, one-of-a-kind tapestry of experiences, thoughts, and aspirations into a narrative that

resonates with admissions officers. Your essay will be more than just words on a page; it’ll be a window into who you are, crafted to capture your essence and leave a lasting impression.

Building a College List

Building your college list isn’t just about aiming for the stars; it’s about finding the right constellations. You know, the ones that align with your aspirations, strengths, and yes, even those well-rounded quirks that make you, you.

At IvySummit, we understand that a one-size-fits-all approach just doesn’t cut it. Whether you’re eyeing the rigorous engineering programs at Virginia Tech or dreaming of UC Berkeley’s dynamic campus life, we help you curate a college list that fits like a glove. This isn’t about sprinkling in a few Ivy Leagues for good measure; it’s about balance, ambition, and fit.

Our expertise in the Fairfax area, combined with a deep understanding of what different colleges offer, means we’re adept at matching your unique profile with the right institutions. We help you weigh factors like program strengths, campus culture, and even the vibe of the student body, ensuring your final list isn’t just impressive, but also incredibly suited to your personal and academic goals. With IvySummit, your college list will be more than a set of names; it’ll be a roadmap to your future.

Connecting with a Fairfax Based Private Counselor

We’re just a stone’s throw away, ready to guide you through every twist and turn of the college application process.

Our Fairfax-based counselors don’t just bring expertise; they bring a local perspective that resonates with your experiences. They understand the pulse of Fairfax, the competitive nature of local high schools, and how to leverage your unique Fairfax journey to stand out in a sea of applicants.

Don’t let the complexities of college admissions overshadow your high school years. Connect with an IvySummit counselor in Fairfax and take the first step towards a future that’s as bright and promising as you are. Let’s make those college application dreams a thriving reality, together.

IvySummit is a premier college consulting firm with a proven track record in expertly guiding students from across the globe through the complex and nuanced college application process. Our specialized focus lies in helping students achieve their aspirations of gaining admission to Ivy League institutions and other esteemed universities in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. With our persistent commitment to excellence, we provide tailored guidance and support to ensure our clients stand out and thrive in the highly competitive world of college admissions.

At IvySummit, our commitment lies in discovering the perfect match for our clients and supporting them wholeheartedly on their path to success. We strive to understand their unique aspirations and provide expert guidance, empowering them to embark on a transformative journey towards achieving their dreams.

Contact Us Today For a Complimentary Consultation